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LATEST NEWS FOR 2025 - National Drainage Show & Floodex will run alongside the National Civils Show, opening the event up to whole new audience of thousands of interested civil engineers, contractors, developers and planners, involved in construction, utilities, highways, railway and coastal defence professionals. There will be no walls between the events, so that interested visitors can cross between events unimpeded. 

We were proud to be a major sponsor of the National Drainage Awards 2024, as Venue Sponsor, which means the awards will be held in the hall next to the show, on the first evening. A great night was had by all, with huge thanks to the NADC for organizing the event.

Harry Redknapp  were the special guests and John Conteh, who held the WBC light-heavyweight title from 1974 to 1977, hosted an auction of boxing memorabilia for charity.

The show is going from strength to strength, with a record number of visitors in 2023 and 2024 edged that, despite the best efforts of Storm Bert and closure of the Elizabeth Line on day one, amongst other weather related incidients.

We were also delighted that the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC), will be supporting the event. The SLCC is the professional body for local council clerks and senior council employees for over 5,000 local councils in England and Wales.

Since launching Floodex in 2016, the organizers have always had the idea that an event should be staged that takes a more holistic approach to flooding and water level management, which is why the National Drainage Show was launched, as 70% of flood incidents are caused by surface water runoff.

Some of the new faces included Whale Tankers, TIP Tanker Services are back at the show, ROM UK, Affinity Water, Polypipe, GAP Group, Groundhog, GFG, Fentex, Aryan Pumps, HCM Jetters, TWD Drainage and many others will join lots of our traditional exhibitors. We can’t mention everybody, but we are delighted that the UKSTT and WJA were there with their valuable support. once again.

National Drainage, Floodex  and the Waterways Management Show saw some fantastic exhibitors and support for 2024, both old and new. The Canal and River Trust, Inland Waterways Assoc and The River Restoration Centre  supported the Waterways Management part of the show, whilst Aquamaintain and British Hovercraft company both had craft on display.

Some big news for 2025, is the launch of the National Civils Show, which will run alongside the Drainage Show, with aisles linking both events, so that interested visitors can pass between the two shows, making for a much more interesting mix of visitors and exhibitors. The event already has the support of some major trade associations and publications, with more expected to join over the coming weeks.

The National Civils Show will no doubt attract major contractors, engineering companies,  and engineers from all aspect of civils and infrastructure, including wastewater & sewage, civil engineering, railways, highways, bridge & engineering, coastal defence and structural engineering.

The organizers are convinced, as is everybody else, judging by the feedback, that this will be a major benefit to the Drainage Show and vice versa, given the number of engineers and major contractors, that will be on site.

For more information on either event, contact Eddie Milton at eddie@indigomediagroup.co.uk or call 01327 876250

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